brimRAD is developing a new class of materials that has the potential to outperform any other materials both for radiation detection and FEL/synchrotron detectors. These materials include mercurous halides and cadmium magnesium telluride, both of which are custom developed by BTC.
Some 90 percent of existing nuclear radiation systems are still based on technologies developed decades ago. These relatively “old technologies” either have inadequate performance or low efficiency or require cryogenic cooling.
First Generation vs. Our Second Generation-Based Detectors
The radiation detection industry has been clamoring for some time now for something better. New hope is being provided by room temperature semiconductor detectors (RTSD) as an important new direction.
However, while efforts to make newer RTSD materials such as CZT or TlBr have shown some improvement, they have been around for 20 years or more and still are not providing what the industry wants. In fact, none of these materials can simultaneously satisfy all three critically important features for a practical advanced room temperature radiation sensor: high performance, low cost and stable operation.
The brimRAD Technology Product Edge
- Currently - 90 percent of existing systems use old, inefficient technology.
- Recent Developments - Second-generation, largely room temperature semiconductor detector-based (RTSD) technology has emerged.
- Market Need - Nothing can simultaneously satisfy all three critically important features: high performance, low cost, and stable operation. Also multiple materials are needed to differentiate between gamma ray and background gamma ray outputs.
Complicating this further, existing detectors require multiple detector materials to differentiate between gamma ray and background gamma ray outputs. Existing systems have to provide different kinds of materials: one to measure gamma rays and the other to measure neutron radiation.
brimRAD has developed a new material that can measure both gamma and neutron radiation as well as identify essential nuclear radiation detector properties such as good energy resolution and efficiency, high radiation tolerance, and is also compact, lightweight, portable, cost effective and reliable.
X-Ray and Gamma Ray Detector Performance
- Full range of spectral response data from hard x-rays (>10 keV) to low and medium energy gammas (60 keV and 122 keV) to higher energy gamma (662 keV) as well as energetic charged particles (5.5 MeV alpha).
Production Cycle for brimRAD Detectors
The goal is to have all advanced materials developed at Brimrose related to the development of radiation detection to be the property of brimRAD. This includes advanced materials specifically made and tested for the purpose of radiation detection. It will include all patents and company proprietary processes related to the development of radiation detectors. This applies to the commercial development of these materials.
These advanced materials already have been acknowledged to be very special. Two U.S. federal agencies already have awarded funding for their development. These include the U.S. Air Force for potential detection in security and defense applications and NASA for a better understanding of planetary surfaces.
In conclusion, brimRAD has the benefit of globe-leading technology that we believe will revolutionize the radiation detection market, providing vendors with capabilities to detect nuclear radiation that they simply have not had to this point.